Stories of multiple offers, back-to-back showings, and crazy over-asking prices are becoming more and more common. While the idea of buying a home in Denver in this type of market may seem daunting, winning a bidding war and finding a home can be achieved with the help of a seasoned real estate agent. 

An experienced agent is essential in this type of market: They should have the necessary knowledge to create a successful offer, strategically negotiate on your behalf, and help manage your expectations while guiding you through the process. I’ve compiled a list of some important things to prepare for when buying a home in this competitive market. With knowledge on your side, you can be confident knowing what it takes to land the home of your dreams.

Getting Started

Get Pre-Approved The first step in your home search should be getting pre-approved for a home mortgage with a local lender or bank. Most listing agents and sellers will pick a buyer who has obtained financing through an institution they know so they can trust that the deal will get done without hitting any snags. A pre-approval letter shows sellers that you are serious and financially capable of buying their home.

Understand Your Budget Knowing your budget is crucial. Factor in your credit score, as it impacts the interest rates you qualify for. Higher credit scores generally result in lower interest rates on a home mortgage, which can significantly affect your monthly payments and the overall cost of buying a house in Denver.

Work with a Local Real Estate Agent A knowledgeable real estate agent can help you navigate the competitive housing market. They have insights into local trends, access to homes for sale before they are widely advertised, and the expertise to craft compelling offers.

Viewing Properties

Be Decisive (and Patient) In a hot market, homes sell quickly. Be prepared to make fast decisions. If you love a home, act fast and listen to your agent’s advice on how best to structure your offer. However, also be patient. If you find you are making multiple offers but aren’t winning any bidding wars, or if you are seeing a lot of properties but not finding the right one, it is important to stay patient and persistent in your home search.

Don’t Get Caught Up with Cosmetic Fixes When viewing properties, don’t be overly concerned with cosmetic issues. Many homes may have minor imperfections that can be easily fixed later on. Focus on the overall structure and potential of the home rather than getting bogged down by small details.

Be Cautious of Listing Prices Sometimes, a low listing price is a strategy to spur competition. Homes often sell for significantly more than their listing price, especially in their first week on the market. Be prepared to make over-asking price offers, especially for desirable homes in prime locations.

Consider Listings that Have Been on the Market for a While If a home has been on the market for an extended period, it might be overpriced, or there could be other issues. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean there is something wrong with it. These homes might present an opportunity to negotiate a better purchase price.

Making an Offer

Prepare for an Offer Deadline Once you’ve seen a property you like, be aware that many listing agents set an offer deadline and “warehouse” all offers to be reviewed at that time. This means that a quick offer may not be considered the best strategy. Consult with your agent to develop a strong offer strategy.

Expect to Make Over-Asking Price Offers In a competitive market, it’s common to make offers above the asking price. This can feel like you’re overpaying, but it’s a reality of buying a home in Denver’s hot market. Focus on the home’s value to you rather than the initial price tag.

Get Creative with Your Offer To make your offer stand out, consider including perks that appeal to the seller. Strategies can include:

  • Personal Connection: Write a heartfelt letter to the seller explaining why you love their home.
  • Flexible Closing: Offer a rent-back agreement or a quick closing, depending on the seller’s needs.
  • Appraisal Gap Coverage: Agree to cover any gap between the purchase price and the appraised value.
  • Waive Contingencies: Consider waiving inspection objections or loan termination contingencies.
  • Increase Earnest Money: Show your commitment by offering a larger earnest money deposit or making a portion of it nonrefundable.
  • Seller Bonuses: Offer a bonus if the seller accepts your offer before the deadline.

Navigating the Home Purchase Process

Home Inspection Even in a competitive market, don’t skip the home inspection. A professional home inspector will identify potential issues that could affect the home’s value or your safety. Knowing the condition of the home helps you make an informed decision and negotiate repairs or price adjustments if necessary.

Secure Your Financing Once your offer is accepted, work closely with your mortgage lender to finalize your home mortgage. This process involves verifying your financial information, getting an appraisal, and locking in your interest rate. Opting for a 30-year fixed mortgage can provide stability with predictable monthly payments.

Final Walk-Through Before closing, conduct a final walk-through to ensure the home’s condition hasn’t changed and that any agreed-upon repairs have been completed. This step is crucial to avoid any last-minute surprises.

Understanding the Housing Market

Current Market Trends Denver’s housing market is highly competitive, with high demand and limited inventory driving up home prices. Understanding these trends helps you set realistic expectations and develop a successful strategy for buying a home in Denver.

Time Buyers First-time buyers might find the competitive market particularly challenging. However, with the right preparation and support from a skilled real estate agent, they can successfully navigate the process. Focus on getting pre-approved, understanding your budget, and being flexible with your requirements.

Impact of Interest Rates Interest rates play a significant role in your home purchase. Lower interest rates reduce your monthly mortgage payments and overall cost of buying a home. Keep an eye on interest rate trends and lock in a favorable rate when securing your home mortgage.

The final word…

Buying a home in Denver’s competitive market requires preparation, patience, and strategic planning. By getting pre-approved, understanding your budget, working with a knowledgeable real estate agent, and making informed decisions, you can successfully navigate the home purchase process. Remember, the journey to finding your dream home may be challenging, but with the right strategies and a little persistence, it’s a goal that’s well within reach!

Let’s find your Denver dream home…

Whether you’re new to the area or just looking to relocate within the city of Denver, I can help you find the right place for your needs. And in our highly competitive market, it’s never too early to start the process…

Check out the other chapters of Buying in Denver 101 or book an intro call / send me an email to get the conversation started. 

About Me:

Hi! I’m Sarah King, a licensed real estate agent helping buyers find their dream homes in Denver. Having grown up locally, and spent 24 years in real estate—I know the ins and outs of the Denver market. My business is 99% referral-based, but I’m always open to meeting new faces and families looking for guidance on buying or selling in Denver.  You can drop me a line here or book an intro call on my calendar.

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